Web Dev Projects
T-Mobile's trashcan web client is...garbage, so I'm building my own with SvelteKit. Feel free to use it or contribute!
Currently implemented:
overview page w/ live updating (refreshes every 5s)
list of device information
Udactiy NanoDegree Intro to JavaScript & Web development project
This project requires you to create an asynchronous web app that uses Web API and user data to dynamically update the UI. Udactiy NanoDegree Intro to JavaScript & Web development project
Here is a partially built-out game that races cars—your job is to complete it! Throughout the game logic, you will find "TODO" comments that must be completed in order for the game to work. You are going to use the asynchronous skills you gained in the course to fill in the blanks in this game.
PiPass is an extention to the Pi-Hole project which adds easy temporary unblocking functionality and a visually appealing blockpage. The whole project currently is written in PHP, so it will integrate very easily with your existing Pi-Hole system. The blockpage is very easy to use, presenting three distinct options, an automated, temporary unblock button among them.
Udactiy NanoDegree Intro to JavaScript & Web development project
You will be building an infographic that is derived from data that is provided, as well as user input data. Object-oriented javascript is great for working with complex data, but it’s not of much use without an interface to interact with. You will be pulling in information from a form and using it to complete an array of objects that will then be appended back to the DOM.